Thursday, July 29, 2010

I'm an Idiot

Just a brief update before you get another monster entry. Cape Town was beyond awesome. It ranks up in the top 10 best weekends of my life, I think. But, as referenced in the title, I am an idiot. Somebody may have gotten a touch too excited when Man in the Mirror came on at our house party and somebody may have slipped in her socks and sprained her ankle. I think it's karma. My dad breaks his ankle approximately once a month and I always joke that if he was a race horse, we would have had to put him down by now. I guess this is what you get when you are a jerk to your dad.

A few Cape Tizzle teasers:

Visited Nelson Mandela's prison cell - and it was lamesville.

Spent a day touring wineries and it was fabulous.

Legitimately used a wheelchair for the first time in my life to visit penguins (technically, I have used a wheel chair before, but not to visit penguins, so I'm not counting it). Big ups to Johnny "The Vice" Slattery for that stroke of genius.

Jill and I went to the most bizarre club I have ever been to in my entire life. Joey Robbins would have been in heaven with all the weird face touching that was happening.

Jildonics and I are heading off to the Apartheid museum now, so I bid you adieu.


  1. I'm sorry that you messed up your ankle.... but are there pictures of you petting a penguin from a wheelchair? I would like one please.

  2. can't wait to read about the joey robbins club!
